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Pimvendors and its consultants have specialized in PIM Systems for more than 10 years. We continuously monitor the developments of all existing PIM Systems and also look closely at new solutions. We have now supervised or analyzed over 300 implementations. From this, we can draw solid conclusions with regard to the PIM System differences in quality, the implementation parties, and the suppliers. We also know the licensing structure, prices, and operational costs of all solutions.

If you want to invest in a (new) Product Information Management system, it is wise to do preliminary research and selection. Thanks to our knowledge, we not only help you with the selection and set-up of a system, but we also advise you on all new opportunities that arise when you start using a future-proof Product Information Management system. With the system, more than just simple product content can be maintained.

What differences are there in PIM Systems and What is Important for a Company?

Because PIM Systems are the answer to efficient Product Information Management, there is an international proliferation of PIM Systems. In addition to ERP systems, PIM Systems have become the most important part of Omni-channel e-commerce IT Architecture. This “middleware” solution has become the heart of many (online) sales, product management, and marketing departments. But due to the multitude of applications, it is difficult to find a PIM System that exactly matches the expectations of the organization. The PIM System differences are countless.

There are roughly three main groups of PIM Systems:

  1. PIM-only Systems: exclusively for management and enrichment of product information
  2. PIM Marketing Systems: in addition to basic functions, these types of systems offer additional options such as DAM (Digital Asset Management), automated marketing processes such as folder layout in corporate identity templates, SEO data, reviews, etc.
  3. PIM Commerce Systems: in addition to basic and marketing functions, these types of systems offer integrated solutions for B2B portals, webshops, landing and action pages, promotion management, marketplace feed links, CRM solutions, etc.

More Differences

In addition to the different types of systems, there are also many differences per type in various areas. During a PIM System analysis, we look at today’s needs, but also at the growth of your company in the coming years. Matters that are important include:

  • Scalability: can the Product Information Management system grow with my company so that I don’t have to invest again in a few years?
  • Investment and TCO (total cost of ownership): Are the operating costs of the PIM System not too high and can I quickly recoup the investment through increased productivity and efficiency?
  • Continued development: does the supplier offer the opportunity to place specific wishes on the “development roadmap”?
  • Technical implementation: does the supplier have experienced implementation partners for your specific industry or business type?
  • User-friendliness: is the PIM System suitable for all “types” of employees?

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Which category of Product Information Management solution best suits your company, industry, and business case?

The Future of Software Development in 2022.

High-End Enterprise:

  • PIM / DAM-System as part of a complex and international IT Architecture.
  • Marketing and (online) sales often work in other systems
  • The heart of all digital channels, content published for websites, apps, POS systems, Print / Folder solutions, PLM systems, etc.

Standard Enterprise Product Information Management:

  • Medium-sized organizations that cannot or do not want to use the resources to purchase an extensive system but do require efficient product data management
  • Especially useful for efficient content production and content distribution.

Mid-End Enterprise:

  • Product Information Management is central to streamlining processes
  • Both marketing and (online) sales work in the systems
  • In addition to content production, it is often used as a “content hub” to deliver product feeds to resellers and platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Carrefour, Google Shopping, etc.

Basic PIM:

  • Smaller organizations looking for a simple solution to publish more product content than is possible from an ERP system.
  • For enriching product content and being able to manage digital channels such as a Webshop or Dealer portal.

Want to learn more about PIM?

If you have any questions regarding Product Information Management, from PIM Selection to Implementation or how a PIM would fit in your IT landscape? Feel free to browse our Knowledge Base of articles on everything PIM related.

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