If you’re looking for a fast way to determine the potential costs of your PIM solution — covering everything from analysis to implementation — our calculator tool is here to help.
Please note that since we lack precise details about your specific situation, the estimate provided is approximate.
Step 1: Your input
Please fill in the questionnaire below, it will take only 1-2 minutes to complete.
Step 2: Our magic
Based on our knowledge and experience we will make a calculation on your potential PIM costs. Included are the estimates over analysis, design, implementation and license costs.
Step 3: The results
You will receive the output with an overview of the cost of ownership over the first 3 years in your email box within 10 minutes.
Fill in the questionnaire below and you will receive an e-mail with the expected costs!

Fill in the questionnaire below and you will receive an e-mail with the expected costs!
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