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In today’s corporate world, it is critical to ensure that you handle product information management (PIM) with Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) correctly. But how do you deal with transformative developments such as the revolution in Generative AI while still running your business?

This article investigates how we may employ a type of AI known as Generative Pre-training Transformers (GPT), specifically GPT-4, to assist with the process of Product Information Management. We’ll look at what GPT-4 can achieve and how it can help with product information management. We’ll concentrate on how these technologies will drive massive changes and how you should prepare your organization for the transformation ahead. This article is the first in a series of investigative articles on PIM with Generative AI, so sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.  

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PIM with Generative AI: Streamlining Supplier Product Data Onboarding

Integrating supplier data into your Product Information Management (PIM) system can be a complex process. This complexity arises due to inconsistencies and errors in data, lack of standardization, or format discrepancies. Also, the following points illustrate how generative AI, such as GPT-4, can streamline these processes:

Data Standardization 

GPT-4 can be programmed to recognize and understand different data formats and terminologies used by suppliers. Once the AI understands these variations, it can standardize the incoming data by transforming it into a common format compatible with your PIM system. Also, this includes aligning product naming conventions, SKU formats, or categorization hierarchy.

Data Validation

GPT-4 can be used to validate the incoming data from suppliers. The AI can cross-reference product attributes and specifications with known databases or trusted sources. This can help in identifying any potential imbalance or anomalies in the supplier data.

Error Detection and Correction

Generative AI models like GPT-4 can be trained to detect abnormalities and inconsistencies in the data. Moreover, this includes missing values, incorrect or illogical values (like a weight of -10 kg), or spelling errors. An error detected by GPT-4 can be corrected automatically or flagged for manual attention.

Attribute Extraction

If product information from suppliers cannot be mapped 1 on 1 to your data model or comes in a non-structured format GPT-4 can extract key attributes from the raw data. This can help in mapping attributes to your internal product data model and converting non-structured data into a structured format, to make it ready for further enrichment.

Data Enrichment

GPT-4 can be used to enrich the product data by filling in missing information using its context understanding capability. For instance, if a product’s color attribute is missing but is mentioned in the product description, GPT-4 can recognize this and fill the missing attribute.

It requires careful planning and training to implement an AI-driven approach to data cleansing, which identifies and understands product attributes and company-specific standards. Nevertheless, once implemented, supplier data can be integrated more efficiently and accurately into your PIM system.

We’ll move forward by looking at how Generative AI can be applied in PIM, particularly in areas where it can be most impactful.

Intelligent Categorisation of Data

As organisations handle large product catalogues, accurate product classification becomes a challenge. The ability of GPT-4 to intelligently categorise products based on their attributes simplifies the categorisation process. The ability of GPT-4 to intelligently categorize products based on their attributes simplifies the categorization process. For example, in the context of a technology retailer, GPT-4 distinguishes between “High-end Gaming Laptops” and “Budget Laptops” depending on features such as processor, RAM, and graphics card. This feature enables coherent and consistent categorisation, even as product lines develop and expand.

Enhancement of Data Quality

Using AI to improve data quality will massively influence this process. GPT-4’s ability to discover and correct differences in product data descriptions, fill in missing information and standardise varied data formats solves the ongoing difficulty of data quality and coherence. Additionally, this capacity is beneficial to you when managing a diverse range of complex and interrelated products. GPT-4’s ability to correct data discrepancies frees up human resources for more strategic work. A good example is when a fashion store receives product data from many suppliers, and some entries lack essential characteristics such as material composition or care instructions. Moreover, based on current data patterns, GPT-4 might automatically fill in the missing information, generating detailed product profiles for a more simplified buying experience.

Product Description Automation

Creating compelling product descriptions is critical to capturing shoppers’ attention. GPT-4’s ability to generate accurate and exciting product descriptions based on product attributes speeds up the process and guarantees uniformity. It also frees up time for marketing experts to engage in strategic projects. Also, when onboarding large quantities of new products demands updated descriptions, the potential of GPT-4 becomes clear. An appliance retailer, for example, may utilise GPT-4 to automatically generate relevant descriptions for household appliances. To assist customers in making informed decisions, the technology might provide information regarding energy efficiency, usability, and specialised features.

Individualised User Experience

GPT-4 can be used to provide users with a personalised purchasing experience. The AI may make personalised product recommendations based on prior data, including user behavior, preferences, and purchases. It is capable of producing human-like prose for product recommendations, making the user experience more interactive and engaging. For instance, consider a previous user who purchased stuff for their living room. They have expressed an interest in a modern design style. GPT-4 could use this information to offer a more personalised purchasing experience: “Good to see you back!” We’ve curated a collection of modern home decor items to help you upgrade your living area. Discover sleek furniture, minimalist wall art, and beautiful lighting alternatives that complement your refined style.

Enhancing User Engagement

Powered by Generative AI, GPT-4 is redefining the future of Product Information Management. In this article, we have shown how this technology can revolutionize business data handling.

In addition to simplifying supplier data onboarding and enhancing data quality, GPT-4 also automates product descriptions. This automation promises an improved user experience as well as accuracy and cohesion. A personalized recommendation system and streamlined categorization open new doors for businesses and their customers.

We’re on the verge of an exhilarating journey with this article, delving into the realm of PIM with generative AI. Be a part of shaping the future of Product Information Management through the power of artificial intelligence. Join our newsletter, explore AI on our YouTube channel, and participate in upcoming events if you want to stay informed.

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