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Are you looking to streamline your digital product information and data? Are you unsure whether you need a dedicated PIM/DAM tool? Visit to discover free tools and get an independent shortlist of available solutions!

Our team of experts has researched, tested, and compared the PIM vendors in the market to help you make the right decision for your business. Moreover, our detailed vendor comparison lets you quickly identify the best PIM tool to meet your needs.

Also, our 50-question survey ( takes 10-15 min) is designed to efficiently and effectively determine which PIM Solution best fits your organization.

In this Round Table, we’ve invited four key players in the world of DAM and PIM for an open conversation:

  • Ben Rund (VP of Business Development, Riversand)
  • Phil Arnold (Managing Director, Censhare)
  • Rupert Firmstone (Country Manager UK, nevermind)
  • Victor Lebon (Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer, ICP)

With decades of experience and vast know-how on the topic, Glynn Davis (founder of and his team. They are sure to provide an engaging educational session.

Moreover, the presentation will discuss the global impact of DAMs and PIMs and how they interact in retail. Also, using real customer case studies as examples, attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of how these technologies can be leveraged in their businesses. In addition, uncover the potential of DAMs and PIMs. Thus, learn where they should and should not overlap.


The live recording can be watched here:

Want to learn more about PIM?

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