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We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who joined our online event ‘PIM & Commerce: Round Table + Lightning Demos’ held on Thu, Oct 05, 2023. We were overwhelmed by your enthusiastic participation and the enriching discussions that took place.

๐Ÿ“Œ Event Overview:

On the day, participants were treated to:

  • Engaging Round Table Discussions: We dove deep into the world of Product Information Management (PIM) and e-commerce. Thought-provoking questions were posed, invaluable knowledge was shared, and insights were exchanged.
  • Lightning Demos: Attendees witnessed firsthand innovative solutions and technologies that have the potential to reshape the e-commerce landscape. The focus was on understanding the transformative power of PIM systems in enhancing customer experiences and boosting sales.
  • Networking Opportunities: The event provided a vibrant platform for professionals and enthusiasts to connect, learn, and exchange ideas.

If you missed the event or wish to revisit some of the discussions, you can watch the recording here.

๐Ÿ“Œ A Special Mention to Our Partners:

BetterCommerce PIM helps brands & retailers centralize and distribute their product data efficiently.

๐Ÿ“„ Special gift from partner: Free proof of Concept & 20% discount on the yearly subscription fee. Using promo code PIMVENDORS.

Crystallizeย focuses on creating the ultimate headless commerce service, redefining how to build, grow, and succeed with business online.

๐Ÿ“„ย  Special gift from partner: free Proof Of Concept over the link here.ย 

DynamicWeb is PIM, eCommerce, Marketing, and CMS in one powerful Commerce Suite featuring standard integrations to Microsoft Dynamics ERP.

๐Ÿ“„ย  Special gift from partner::ย 

  1. PIM Checklist Guide: Is Your Business Ready for PIM? Five key indicators to determine if your business can benefit from a PIM system.
  2. PIM Investment Guide: Three factors to consider before investing in a PIM -system for your business.
  3. Free PIM Exploration Workshop: This helps you understand the combined business and technology opportunities, scope, and costs related to a PIM implementation project.ย 

Each of these partners played a pivotal role in making this event a grand success. We’re immensely grateful for their collaboration and contributions.

๐Ÿ“Œ Upcoming Events & Webinars:

Subscribe to our newsletter and LinkedIn for announcements on our next series of webinars, workshops, and events designed to provide even more value to our PIM community.

Once again, a big thank you for making the ‘PIM & Commerce: Round Table + Lightning Demos’ event such a resounding success. Let’s continue our journey and shape the future of PIM and commerce together!

Warm Regards,

The Team

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